New York University professor talks about the future of MR/AR/VR development and will integrate with AI, machine learning and other fields

Vikram Kapila, a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a professor at the New York University's Tandem College of Engineering, recently received an interview with the IEEE Transmitter, a technology media. He talked about the benefits of MR/AR/VR to current and future society, and considered MR In the future, /AR/VR will integrate with multiple technologies to reshape our way of life, work, study and leisure.

The following is the full text of the interview.

IEEE Transmitter: What is your area of ​​research in Mixed Reality (MR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR)?

Kapila: In the field of MR/AR/VR, my experiments are mainly based on image technology, presenting a highly natural human-computer interaction mechanism. We integrate MR/AR/VR technology with mechatronics, robotics, computer vision and control engineering to develop a range of novel applications in several areas. Examples include engineering laboratory education, intuitive and natural human interaction with robots, mechatronics and robotic solutions for people with disabilities, the elderly, and stroke.

IEEE Transmitter: Why is MR/AR/VR important and how can these technologies help society today and in the future?

Kapila: The following examples can prove that MR/AR/VR technology is very important because they can create immersive environments, promote user participation and enthusiasm, and contain spontaneous mechanisms that allow users to interact with objects in the real world. Another benefit is that MR/AR/VR technology can be presented through popular mobile devices that people already have. The following examples illustrate the important factors and benefits of these technologies.

In engineering laboratory education, MR/AR/VR technology can provide learners with a variety of link presentation methods that can effectively adapt to learners' different learning styles and preferences. In addition, these technologies can narrow the gap between traditional (entity) and non-traditional (online) laboratory education.

MR/AR/VR technology provides a highly intuitive and natural interface for human interaction with robots, eliminating the need for operator training. In addition, the use of mobile MR/AR/VR technology can eliminate the need for research-grade laboratory hardware and the reliance on structured experimental environments, allowing people to easily deploy robot platforms in real-world and unprepared environments.

In stroke rehabilitation, MR/AR/VR technology can present a post-rehabilitation picture, maintain patient enthusiasm, and provide goal-driven activities that can drive the concept of tele-rehabilitation.

Various academic and industry studies have recently developed eye-catching applications in 3D design, rendering, engineering and construction field assessment, product assembly and disassembly, and inspection and maintenance of machinery, factories, and facilities.

In the future, we expect that MR/AR/VR will gradually merge with technologies such as robotics, computer vision, machine learning, and 3D printing to further influence various fields such as education, workplace training, human-robot interaction, remote exploration, and recreation. And physical and online retail, construction, decoration, maintenance, real estate marketing, health care and more.

IEEE Transmitter: Specifically, how do you use MR/AR/VR technology and what's so special about your work?

Kapila: Our work is unique and relies on common consumer devices to present our MR/AR/VR environment. In addition, we have demonstrated that using mobile devices can help eliminate reliance on research-grade sensing and computing hardware, and can present flexible and portable solutions for deployment outside of structured laboratories.

IEEE Transmitter: How can MR/AR/VR technology help top researchers in all areas of the world, such as teaching, medical, space, and archeology?

Kapila: MR/AR/VR enables new global leaders to seamlessly integrate technologies such as computer vision, machine learning, 3D printing, and other technologies in their applications. Similar to open source hardware and software platforms such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ROS, MR/AR/VR open source hardware and software platforms allow researchers in different fields to explore these technologies.

Some application cases will further demonstrate the extensive use of these technologies for potential users. These technologies can promote highly intuitive, natural, and immersive remote robotics technology that is highly relevant to the remote exploration of space, underwater, and architecture. MR/AR/VR has numerous applications in education, such as laboratory teaching, anatomy, astronomy, engineering drawings, spatial relations, and so on. In addition, in the manufacturing environment, maintenance workers will be able to benefit from MR/AR/VR during maintenance.

IEEE Transmitter: What do you think about the development trend of MR/AR/VR in the next five to ten years?

Kapila: I think that MR/AR/VR will gradually merge with technologies such as robotics, computer vision, machine learning, and 3D printing, and it will have a wide range of impacts in different areas. For example, in education, these technologies will bring novel and hands-on learning environments and an immersive learning platform to replace static, printed or online books.

In addition, these technologies can allow learners who cannot perform field trips to perform virtual exercises in a simulated physical environment. MR/AR/VR technology will create new ways to explain maintenance instructions to technicians. With innovations from companies such as Lowes and Amazon, MR/AR/VR technology will have a significant impact on the retail industry. In the next decade, MR/AR/VR technology will promote collaborative experiences in engineering and architectural design, teaching, games, and other applications.

IEEE Transmitter: Regarding AR/VR technology, please talk about what else do you think is very important?

Kapila: The moment to be able to live and experience this technology fusion is really great. It will shape a variety of human experiences, from everyday life, education, to work, leisure and more.


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