What are the common commands for HyperTerminal?

Windows comes with super terminal common instructions

Clear screen - send 0x0C (12). Sometimes it is possible to send one without receiving correctly, and send 0x0C twice in succession to ensure reliable screen clearing.

Cursor backspace (does not delete characters) - send 0x08(8)

Move the cursor to the right by a tab (equivalent to the TAB key) - send 0x09 (9)

Cursor moves to the beginning of the line - 0x0D (13)

The cursor moves to the next line in the same column - send 0x0A(10) or 0x0B(11)

Wrap - send 0x0D and 0x0A

Super terminal commonly used commands!

Set interface trust ip Set the port IP address in the firewall

Set interface untrust ip Set the IP address of the port outside the firewall.

Set admin sys-ip set the system IP address

Unset all clear all information

3. Display the current directory: pwd

4. Move the file to the specified location: mv source file destination path

Such as mv /home/xyp/*.conf /home/wang --" will move the *.conf under the xyp directory to the wang directory

Mv command, still has the function of changing the file name, and changing the directory name function

Mv source file name target file name --- change the source file name to the specified new file name

Mv directory name new directory name ----" change folder name

5. Copy file command: cp source file destination path

For example, cp /etc/*.conf /home/abc ---" copy all *.conf files in the etc directory to the abc directory.

6. New folder:

Mkdir new folder name

7. Delete the folder:

Rmdir folder name ---" only allows deletion of empty folders

》 # cp 1.apk /data/app (note the space)

Clear screen: clearccs_ceh

One of the commonly used commands in Linux . File operation command:

1. Query command:

Ls --" query all files and folders in the current directory

Ls | more --" Pagination display file and folder list

Ls -l --" to display files or folders as a list

(Users can view permissions, connections, users, groups, sizes, times)

Ll --" function is exactly the same as ls -l

l. --" View hidden files

8. Delete the file:

Rm specific file name ---" delete a file or multiple files, the system will prompt whether you want to delete the file only enter y, to allow deletion

Rm -rf specific file name or directory name ---" directly delete, no prompt

9. Display the contents of the text file:

Cat text file name ---" all display

10. Pagination shows the contents of the text file:

More text file name ---" page display

11. Count the number of characters in the text file, the number of lines, etc.

Wc text file name

Wc -l text file name ---" only counts the number of lines of text files

12. Query the specified string in a specified text file

Grep string text file name such as grep network /etc/ntp.conf

13. View the details of a specific file: stat specific file name

14. Generate empty file: touch new file name

15. Change file or folder permissions:

Object type:

- Ordinary files

d folder

l Link file

s network file

c character file.

b block file

Permission code: read 4 write 2 execute 1

Any file or folder consists of three sets of permissions:

Owner permission group permissions other user permissions

Any set of permissions is composed of three permissions for reading and writing, which can be represented by number summation.

Such as 3 - " write execution

6 --" read and write

5 ---" read execution

7 ---" read and write execution

Command to modify permissions:

Chmod permission code file name or directory name

Such as chmod 711 abc.a

16 . Modify the owner of the file and the group to which it belongs:

Chown username. Group name file name or directory name

For example, chown wang.tc /home/aa ---" changes the owner of the file aa to wang and changes the group to tc

Chown .tc /home/ab ---" only change the group

Chown tc /home/ac ---" only change the owner

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